

Haskins Family Photos



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Second Generation

James Haskins (before 1850)



Third Generation

Leonard Haskins (before 1862)

Louisa E. (Grace) Haskins

John R. & Mahala (Haskins) Grace (about 1865)


Fourth Generation

L-R: Abraham Lincoln, Simon Cameron, Gideon Welles

Haskins (before 1919)

L-R: Gideon Welles, Simon Cameron, Abraham Lincoln

Haskins (before 1909)

(this image has been cleaned up 11/28/2009)

Gideon Welles Haskins

Anna Kate (Patrick) Haskins

Anna Kate Patrick & Gideon Welles Haskins (1885)

Abraham Lincoln, & Mary (Graves) Haskins

Abraham Lincoln Haskins

Back L-R: Mary Fern, Mattie Belle, Myrtle

Front L-R: Abraham, Elma, Mary (Graves)

Haskins (about 1915)

Ethel (Turner) & Simon Cameron Haskins

L-R standing: Mattie, Claud, Myrtle, Mary Fern,

L-R seated: Linc, Lucy, Mary, Roy

Abraham Lincoln Haskins Family  (abt 1920)

Grace Leua (Duba) Haskins, Simon's 1st wife (abt 1905)

Simon Cameron Haskins

Ella (Haskins) Alger - Tucker

Oldest child of Leonard Haskins & Louisa Grace

Fifth Generation

Ralph Haskins & Hazel Kruger (1933)

Della Haskins & Dewey Voiles (1919)

Ben Haskins & Minnie Perkins (1908)

Ben Haskins & Son Robert (about 1915)

Boyd Haskins & Frances Wilke (1930)

L-R: Boyd, Evelyn, Lynette, Jack, Frances Haskins (about 1951)

L-R: Eva, Della, Cora, Lula

Haskins (about 1906)

L-R: Ben, Boyd, Ralph, Ernest, Hurvey Haskins

(About 1914)

Viola Busch & Claude Haskins

(about 1920)

Charles & Lula (Haskins) Howard

Can anyone identify the person who is seated?

Send e-mail to: howie@howieandmyra.com



Mateland Haskins

(abt 1905 Simon & Grace's son)

Lula Haskins

(abt 1892)

L-R standing: Don, Lillian, Charles, Bernard

Seated: Dewey & Della Voiles (abt 1950)

Franklin Alger, wife Iva (Wilson)

child Iva, baby Myrtle

Franklin is a son of Ella (Haskins) Alger, sister of the triplets.

L-R back: Ernest, Cora

L-R front: Boyd, Hurvey, Ralph Haskins

Ray Hewitt & Eva Kate Haskins (1913)

Front, L-R: Walter, LaVeta

Center L-R: Ben & Minnie Haskins

Back: Robert (abt. 1921)

Ben & Minnie (Perkins) Haskins

(abt 1950)

Audrey Eldora (Hewitt-Haskins) & Bernard E. Kinney


Mateland Haskins (abt 1920)

Linc & Mary Haskins daughters

front center: Lucy

back L-R: Myrtle, Fern, Mattie

Newell Lane & Myrtle (Haskins)

Ben & Lula Haskins

Oldest children of Gideon & Kate Haskins

Iva Olivia Hewitt & Ernest Seal Haskins

Married: June 20, 1917

Sixth Generation

Nancy Haskins & Larry Luedtke (1960)

Janet Loomis & Donald Voiles (1953)

Evelyn Haskins & Arthur Lynch (1951)




If you can identify any of the photos please send e-mail to howie@howieandmyra.com

Gerald Gideon Haskins

son of Ernest & Iva Haskins


Cora Gibson's collection

on back: "_____ck Southard Nat"


from Cora Gibson's collection


from Cora Gibson's collection




(Photo on old card stock)

(date: 1892-about 1900)



Photo taken by: Walinger Studio, S. Wabash Ave Chicago.



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