

Haskins Family Information



Haskins Family

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Submit Information for the

Haskins Genealogy Book

Haskins Family Tree

Old Photo Gallery




    Please enter dates in "month/day/year" format. Use four-digit year.

    For names include middle name and maiden name if known.

    If you have more children than there are spaces, simply submit second form.

    If there is more than one spouse, submit additional form.



Enter Information:

There are two different options for getting the information into the book. Select the option easiest for you.


Option 1.

Print form and fill in information on form and snail mail, or e-mail back.

The mailing address,  and e-mail address are on the form. The fax number on the form is no longer valid.

Printable pdf format, left click here: "family_group.pdf"  select your print button.

Option 2. Put information in an e-mail and send to: howie@howieandmyra.com

Within the next few of days you will receive an e-mail from howie@howieandmyra.com confirming your information.

Thanks for helping with this project.

Howie & Myra Miller